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Case Studies

Posts by: Lithic Industries

Western Hills Asphalt Reclamation

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Strauss Wind Farm - California

Project Description: T PRO® 550 was used successfully to stabilize over 10 miles of aggregate...

Road Reclamation - Avalon, California

Project Description:Lithic polymer technology was used in a pilot project on Santa Catalina Island...

Marl Soil Stabilization - Tubil, Bahrain

Project Description:Lithic Industries used T-PRO®550 to improve road conditions on an industrial...

Multilayer Road Stabilization - Madain Saleh, Saudi Arabia

Project Description: T-PRO®550 was used to construct a polymer stabilized unpaved road for visitor...

Highway Road Shoulder Stabilization - Saskatoon, Canada

Project Description:Lithic Industries polymer technology was used for road shoulder stabilization...

Visitor Parking Lot - Temecula, California

Project Description:T-PRO®550 was chosen to create a 1-acre visitor parking lot for a local...