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Visitor Parking Lot - Temecula, California

Visitor Parking Lot - Temecula, California

Project Description: T-PRO® 550 was chosen to create a 1-acre visitor parking lot for a local southern California Winery. Lithic's polymer soil stabilization technology was the low cost, high-performance alternative to standard asphalt and concrete paving systems.

Project Objectives: A 3-inch deep, infused application with a light topical seal coat was engineered to construct the parking surface. The material used was a previously imported, ¾” minus recycled concrete and aggregate base material. A 0.75% polymer concentration was engineered to achieve high strength in the subgrade. The project was completed in 2 days and ready for stripping within 48 hours. One day was used to break-up and process the existing material and another day to construct the parking surface. Polymer soil stabilization technology was the green and budget friendly way to create a smooth, dust-free parking surface for the winery’s patrons. The added benefit of using natural materials in parking lot construction is reduced heat generation. The decreased reflective heat on the adjacent wine storage and processing buildings will lower energy consumption for cooling and air conditioning during the summer months.


Equipment Used: Bobcat loader with asphalt grinder attachment, Grader, Water Truck, Skip Loader, Steel Dual-Drum Vibrating Roller.


Application Specifications: Terratech engineered a 3-inch deep infused application with polymer concentration of 0.75% and a topical seal coat at a coverage rate of 80 ft²/gallon.


Maintenance Requirements: Requires removal of loose material from surface and topical re-application of polymer seal coat at a coverage rate of 150 ft²/gallon annually or as needed.

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