
Western Hills Asphalt Reclamation

Written by Lithic Industries | February 17, 2025

View the Project Highlights


Western Hills Church asphalt reclamation project.


Project Details

The Western Hills Church of Christ decided to redo a decades old parking lot on the back of their church grounds, they have several hundred cars per week that park in the section reclaimed.



It was extremely cold the week we executed the job with low temperatures in the mid 20s and highs in the 40s. Optimal temperature for proper curing range from 50-75 degrees. The cold does not impact the compressive strength, but it will prolong the cure time. The cure time for the infusion was extended for several days until adequate formation was achieved. It is important to note that mechanical sweeping was required prior to the seal coat application. The time to completion was 2 weeks.



The project was successfully completed in spite of challenging weather and the customer was pleased with the end result.